Goals and Purposes
"Let the children come"
Pastor, educator, editor and missionary, Bill Johnson has focused his entire ministry on Christian education. He has a special desire to help children understand the Holy Bible. In 2003, when he realized there were no children’s Bible curriculum materials in foreign countries, Bill and his wife Rita began the ministry of International Christian Publishers (ICP) to fulfill that need. He began by finding translators to translate materials into their own language. He trained pastors and church workers to use these materials. Since that time hundreds of thousands of books have been printed and distributed to hundreds of churches in seven countries and thirteen languages. But this is only a beginning. Jesus commanded the disciples to let the children come. When they come, they bring a desire to understand the Word of God.
The Goal —The Purpose
The Goal
The goal of ICP is to help people of all nations learn to worship and serve God in spirit and in truth.
The Purpose
To develop curricula to help transform the lives of children and adults. To work with churches, missionaries and schools to distribute curricula that facilitate the ministry of transformation of lives. To train teachers who will lead men, women and children to trust Christ in salvation, follow Him in baptism and Christian service, and demonstrate the values of God’s holy character in their churches and communities.
Church planting to facilitate worship and life transformation.
With the success of church planting missionaries over the past twenty years has come the need to provide teaching materials to assimilate the new-born children of God into a local church. Through these churches they can learn the life transforming principles of living. These principles include Scripture truths about God's love and forgiveness and his character of holiness and mercy.
There is little, if anything currently available on a world wide scope. ICP is developing a special curriculum, entitled Character Code for Life, to be translated and distributed through churches and schools in as many languages as possible.
ICP sponsors and funds a missionary training school in Myanmar. This school has been instrumental in training missionaries who have established conservative Baptist churches throughout their country.
Humanitarian aid and disaster relief
Hungry and homeless children must be fed and clothed before they can fully understand the message of God’s love and acceptance.
ICP has helped thousands with flood relief and has given over one hundred thousand Bibles to children. ICP continues to help thousands of school children in the Philippine Islands with milk feedings and hygiene kits. ICP was the first with disaster relief in Malocobac Island, Philippines, following Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda). As a result of supplies of rice, shoes and other necessities, a new Baptist church was established on that island.
The ICP/Hope Children’s home in Myanmar is home to children who would otherwise live in poverty and get little or no education.
Children from that home have become missionaries, pastors and Bible College professors.